Don't Forget to Plant It!

Turning a New Page

It’s been a month now since I left my contract at  For the most part, I’ve enjoyed my time there, but the thought of celebrating my two year anniversary there was a little frightening.  While I am very adaptable to the corporate life, it isn’t for me.  When FlickStation (the last startup I was a part of) desolved, the plan was to serve a year of corporate duty to get my bearings before heading back into the startup arena.  But some interesting work, interesting politics, and great co-workers kept me there longer than I expected.  But ultimately, I’m addicted to execution and delivery, both of which seem very hard to do well and often in large companies.

Also, for people with entrepreneurial aspirations, the corporate world has a way of slowly draining it from you, replacing it with contentedness.  And when you’re building your startup, those aspirations provides the fuel for you to push on.  I was worried that one day I wake up and find it all gone.

I’m now spending my time at Good Egg Studios, where we just now wrapped up our second week in private beta of Elf Island.  Working here has been like a breathe of fresh air.  The technology is familiar and not so familiar at the same time, and I’m working with some great people (including Startup Weekend alums Rob and Amro) and leadership with great character.  As an added bonus, my commute is a lot shorter now, and also I’m much closer to Skribit.

Oh, and did I mention I was working on a game!  A fscking game!
